
Graduating before my wedding and looking for a job.

So im graduating in may 2012 and will be getting married august 2012.. I really need to find a job (im a Physician assistant student) but i dont know how to go about telling a new employer that i will be needing 2 weeks off in august (getting married in portugal) What is the best way to have my 2 weeks off for a wedding/ honeymoon as well as not look bad on interviews or worse i have the job and then request the time off soon after??

Re: Graduating before my wedding and looking for a job.

  • The best way is to be honest and up front about the time you will need off when you are offered the job. Also, if it comes up in the interview don't lie - tell the truth about needing two weeks off. If you are honest your potential employee most likely won't hold it against you.

  • I agree with Beth. I'd like to emphasize that you don't bring up needing time off until you're actually offered the job since you don't want to come off as high maintenance and demanding before they've even decided if they like you!
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  • I am somewhat in the same situation as you.  I will be graduating May 2012 and getting married in August.  The only different is I am getting married locally and will be postponing the honeymoon  until December most likely. 

    But I agree with the others by being honest up front to make sure that will work for you and your future job!

    Good luck with the job search! :)
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  • I just graduated this December and I'm getting married in May. So I have this awkward five months. I've gotten a nannying job with them understanding that I will be leaving in May. 

    I would let them know right away. I volunteer at a camp for a week every summer and every time I've interviewed for a summer job I let them know right away and they've always given me the time off with no trouble. 
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  • I am somewhat in the same situation; however, I am post posing the honeymoon until I have been working for some time. BTW.. I am in Portugal now =) 
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