
is it just me...

my grades have dropped so low... that they actually think i have learning disablity.... ever since we got engaged, i dread goin to class, all i think about is guest list, the venue and colors.... we just finally started talkin bout the wedding which is in a year. I still havent found a place to get married nor picked colors. im have so much trouble on decided on a color.... class doesnt help. I would love to be done with school, but i keep on pushin away from studyin and wedding planning... i

Re: is it just me...

  • edited October 2010
    I'm sorry if this comes off harsh, but school is more important than wedding planning.  You need to set some time aside for wedding planning, maybe a few hours on the weekends, and then forget about it the rest of the week.  If you can't handle that, I suggest a) hiring a wedding planner to take some of the burden off of your shoulders, b) talking to some close friends or family about it and asking if they are willing to help with some of the details, or c) postponing your wedding so that you have enough time to focus on your studies.

    Honestly, planning a wedding shouldn't be THAT distracting.  We all find ourselves putting off studies and assignments for wedding planning, or anything more fun for that matter, but if it's affecting your grades this is an issue.  It sounds like you need to sit down and work on a game plan, so that you know what needs to get done, and when, rather than obsessing over the details.  If you truly have ADD/ADHD or something that causes you to have difficulty focusing, then you need to talk to a doctor.  But I reiterate, make sure you're passing your classes before worrying about your wedding.  You have a YEAR to plan it, try to do the bulk of planning over winter and summer break.
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  • Laura really said it all. Classes are way more important. You really do have plenty of time to plan. I was running into this same issue in the first few weeks after my fiance and I got engaged, especially because I tried contacting some vendors, and NO ONE was available on my date (it's insane to me how many people book over a year before their date... jeez). However, since then, I've remembered that I need to get through school in order to get married. My mom's been really great about helping me out and keeping me on top of things.

    But like Laura said, you should set aside a few hours or so each week to do wedding stuff, and make sure that it's at the same time that your fiance is available. After all, this is his wedding too! :-)
  • Focus on school! The wedding will be wonderful....when you actually have the time to plan it. Your studies are much more important. I had the same planning became I pushed my wedding back a few months so that I can finish up my last year of school. School will help you get the job you want. It is VERY important. 

    Stop watching Say Yes to the Dress....Bridezilla....and stuff and pick up your books! (No worries....I had to go through the same thing.)
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  • If your grades are dropping I suggest:

    Finding the ceremony and reception location to sercure the date and then forgetting about everything else until the summer. You have a year until the wedding which means another summer in which you'll have time to do all the little details! So just secure teh date at the venues you want- that's most important. Worry about the rest later!
  • I haven't really started planning that much either, but my sister who was in her M.Ed. Program while planning did what she called "wedding class." She allotted time in her day for wedding "stuff" and scheduled it. I think she even had a plan for what wedding things she did on what day - but she is totally a control freak.

    I am not sure if you're that Type A (I am! It's a family thing?) But it seemed to work really well for her. Her grades didn't suffer, she graduated on time, and had a beautiful wedding. It can be done - don't freak yourself out over it! Just learn to control it. GL!
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  • I set up "rewards"-I can only check 3 web pages if I read 5 text pages, once I'm done with the first third of a paper I can watch whatever I want-just 1 episode.

    I need the mental breaks from BOTH and it's a well deserved guilty pleasure that helps me sleep well at night
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