Has anyone been having those awkward conversations with complete strangers telling you to wait for your degree before you get married? I am not being irrational or stupid. I promise. I am a pre-med student going into my junior year of college working for my b.s. in Biology. My minor is Chemistry. I met my fiance almost two years ago and started dating him one year and five months ago. We were engaged May 12 and hope to marry May 12, 2012. No I will not have graduated from college yet. In a year I will be applying to medical schools and in two I hope to be moving to a medical school were I will spend the next four years of my life. It is completely reasonable for me to get married the summer before. If I waited until after graduation my life would be full of wedding plans, graduation, moving, applying. This allows me to focus more on the first year of marraige and tones down the whirl wind. It is perfect for me and my fiance. God put us together exactly when He wanted to and I wish the nurses I have met in hospitals and older men I have met in Walmart would not share their opinion so decidely without knowing my plans or situation.