I have two weeks left to finish my undergrad career, five months for the wedding, and stressing for a job. So as you can all tell I am bit stressed.
I have been engaged for the past year (been together for three years) and am really excited for the wedding, but I recently found out some details about my FI that, well, have made me feel unsure and confused. I knew since day one that he was very sexually active when he was younger (he's ten years older than me), but last night he gave an exact number and it's way more than I thought (like more than the double of what I thought). I can't help but to feel intimidated and to top it off, turns out he slept with a friend of mine (before he and I got together, but since I had my suspicions I asked him and he denied until last night). Still, I don't know how to exactly take this. I mean I knew what I was getting myself into, but these details are killing me. I am trying to convince myself that well that's the past, and I'm his present, but somehow the past always seems to come back and haunt. =/ I definitely don't need this extra drama during finals week!