
Law School???

I am thinking about going back to school and enrolling in Law School. I got my BA in 2003 and when I graduated @ the time (BA Law Enforcement) the department I wanted to work for was not hiring so I took a job doing something else. For the past year my FI and I have been talking about me going back to school to get a law degree. He is going to school to get his doctorate so he is all for it and will be supportive on all sides which is awesome!! I, on the other hand, am a little scared to go back to school after being absent for 7 yrs. I love everything about law and the legal system but am also afraid of becoming to overwhelmed -wedding planning, full-time work, possibly starting a family while in school, etc. Does anyone have any advice on going back to school and how you manage all of it (and still get some type of sleep) Thanks-Smile

Re: Law School???

  • All I can say is make sure you are REALLY good at organizing your time. I think going back to school is great - but I also think that that is A LOT to have going on if you throw the wedding into the mix during the same time. If you think you can handle it and you are SURE FI is supportive then, I guess why not? If you two will be fine financially then I suppose there is really no issue - just be REALLY organized and learn how you deal with your stress best. I do this by planning out my time. Don't forget quality time with FI/H!

    As far as kids.... I've got to say I would wait, and I am a huge baby whore! (As in, I want them asap. But asap will be waiting. haha)


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  • GeauxTigers17GeauxTigers17 member
    edited November 2010
    I'm currently a 3L. If you want to go to law school because you have done your research, you know it's not a "sure thing" in terms of employment, and you aren't going because you can't think of anything else to do, it can be a great experience - I have loved it. You don't sound like you're going for the wrong reasons, at all, but it's the general disclaimer. 

    The first year is both extremely difficult and extremely important - there's a lot of pressure because you will be interviewing for jobs for the following summer in the Fall of your 2L year, so your first year grades are all they will have to look at. Plus, the hope is that whoever hires you for the summer will hire you full time, so you can potentially end up in a situation where your 1L grades determine your fate. I'm not saying it has to be that way, but you really need to put everything you can into your 1L year. 

    I also worked before law school, and I believe it was a huge advantage. You know how the world works, probably are much more mature than some of your straight from college classmates, and employers like that. 

    Only one thing you said stuck out to me- the starting a family during law school bit. I WOULD NOT do this. It's only 3 years, and while there are people in school with me who have children, they typically have either a stay at home spouse with the children (most common) or serious family help (one friend's husband left her while she was 6 mos pregnant - jerkface - so her mom moved in to help her so she could still graduate). It's incredibly hard and you can't really take maternity leave - my only friend who has had a baby during law school (the aforementioned girl whose mom moved in) was back at school 11 days after giving birth. 

    The economy also bites, and 75% of my class is currently jobless. That could change a ton in the next 4 years though, but it's a serious concern. Firms seem to have adjusted to doing more with fewer associates, if the BigLaw route is something that interests you, and government/public interest is more competitive than ever. Don't put yourself into a huge debt hole you can't climb out of. 

    Last thing - studies have shown that how you do in school is often much more important than what school you go to. Being in the top 5% at a well-respected state school can often get you further than being middle 50% at a top 25 school. I don't have a link right now, so look into this if you haven't already when it comes time to apply to schools. Also, check with the firms in the region you want to work in, if you want to stay in a certain area/city - I know I did. Find out what schools they recruit from. If you don't get into a top 15 school, go to the best law school in the region you want to work in, because hiring for those firms will be focused on local schools. 
    Feel free to PM me for more information, and best of luck!!!
  • vixeyvixey member
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited November 2010
    I'm also a 3L and I agree with everything GeauxTigers said.  Just my 2 cents, I would not recommend planning a wedding and doing your first year of law school at the same time.  First year is overwhelming and stressful, I can't imagine planning a wedding, too. 

    I'm currently planning a wedding during my 3L year, and since I was able to get a large majority of the planning done over the summer it hasn't been too bad, but I also got all of my required classes out of the way last year, so this year is pretty easy comparatively.

    That being said, there are a TON of people at my school who had jobs first, who are married, and have families.  It's actually quite refreshing to get their perspectives on things.

    edit: spelling
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  • tldhtldh member
    edited November 2010
    Ditto GeauxTigers.  I'm an attorney (second career) and would also add the advice I was given when researching law schools:  Go where you can afford; your school will get you your first job and nothing more because after that, you will have a record of how you are as an attorney.  A partner at one firm told me that he's had to let go more Ivy league attorneys than he can count because they just couldn't cut it as actual attorneys.  In his words, they could argue theory but couldn't argue a case to save their lives. 

    I would also strongly advise put off having a family until you've been in practice for a couple of years.  Two women I went to law school with had children before they graduated.  One took the bar exam, passed and hasn't practiced a single day.  The other still hasn't sat for the exam.

    EDIT:  Just remembered a third who has sat for the bar five times now and still hasn't passed because she has no help with her child and can't study like you have to.  I cannot emphasize enough how much studying you will have to do for the bar - basically, your FI will be up for sainthood for putting up with you.
    AKA GoodLuckBear14
  • Completely agree with the posts from GeauxTigers on!  I'm currently a 3L and just got married at the beginning of this year.  I was planning during the last semester of my 2L year - difficult.  During 1L year would have been freaking impossible, like PP said, this is the MOST  important year, your grades 1st year mean everything, and no matter how focused and studious you are, law school is more difficult than anything you will have ever done before. And also a completely different animal, even if you are straight A for most of your life, you are competing against 160 other straight A people.  And kids? Forget it.  I to worked for 6 years before coming to school, and I agree that it really makes an impact on your maturity level, and respect from employers. 

    With all that being said, law school has been an amazing experience, and I've loved every minute!  Just be prepared and really think about wedding planning and kids before jumping into all 3.
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  • Guess I should clarify...We will be getting married next September so I won't be planning a wedding while I am in school but while I am applying which can be stressful in itself. The biggest thing for me would be working full time and going to school @ the same time and not being in school for what may seem like forever!
  • tldhtldh member
    edited November 2010
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:684Discussion:dea66b0b-0dc4-4513-a360-8a13038748c0Post:2057cacd-f272-497b-aa69-83c43a5f845b">Re: Law School???</a>:
    [QUOTE]Guess I should clarify...We will be getting married next September so I won't be planning a wedding while I am in school but while I am applying which can be stressful in itself. The biggest thing for me would be working full time and going to school @ the same time and not being in school for what may seem like forever!
    Posted by amberhanson[/QUOTE]

    Highly inadvisable to work during your first year of law school.  There were many days that started at 7:00 a.m. for me and the desk light didn't get shut off until 2:00 a.m. the next morning. 

    Even if your school has night classes like mine did, the professors still discourage it because of the high rate of students that flunk out.  They aren't any less smart than the full time day students, they just don't have the time to properly study which also includes hanging out between classes with others, talking about the classes and trying to digest what the lecture had just been.

    You can start working your second year and, if you are lucky, it will be a clerkship which will let you start building your resume.
    AKA GoodLuckBear14
  • Hey ladies, I'm a 1L who just got engaged.  I'm getting married in the summer after 2L.  I'm keeping this short because I have to go study, but based on what you've all said...
    am I dead?
  • tldhtldh member
    edited November 2010
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:684Discussion:dea66b0b-0dc4-4513-a360-8a13038748c0Post:f003a755-9e65-4624-bad2-5599113c0c11">Re: Law School???</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hey ladies, I'm a 1L who just got engaged.  I'm getting married in the summer after 2L.  I'm keeping this short because I have to go study, but based on what you've all said... am I dead?
    Posted by MattnAnnie12[/QUOTE]

    Only if you don't delegate I'd say 75% of the wedding planning and 95 - 100% of keeping track of all the details.

    It really depends on how competitive you want to make yourself.  I advise everyone to try their damnedest to get on Moot Court or Law Review as a 2L.  Many firms won't even interview you without this experience on your resume.  It is what got me every single interview and at one of them, the partner held up a bankers box filled with resumes that he'd received for the position.  MC and LR will take up more time than you can imagine and MC is even more stressful (IMO) because it's not only your grade on the line.  Each member of the two or three person team that argue in each competition gets the same grade and you really have to work together to write the brief and to practice rounds in oral arguments.
    AKA GoodLuckBear14
  • I'm going to echo the previous post that said that if you can avoid it, don't work during your 1L year, and I'd extend that to say that I wouldn't try to work more than 20 hours a week during 2L year. My school won't even allow you to work - it's an honor code violation that can get you kicked out of school if you try. (It sounds bizarre, but they have found that just telling people it's inadvisable doesn't work, because then a bunch fail out. Some schools don't fail people anymore...mine does. I started with a class of 220 and I'll graduate with 175). 

    Planning while applying shouldn't be bad at all, and it's probably going to be really nice to have someone to come home to while you're in law school. A lot of people in my class have dated (hell, that's how I met my fiance) and it can be really distracting. From my own experience! I'm sitting at a coffee shop with him right now, and he's actually studying Successions (I'm in Louisiana so we have the civil law thing going on) and of course I'm on the Knot... :P
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:684Discussion:dea66b0b-0dc4-4513-a360-8a13038748c0Post:f003a755-9e65-4624-bad2-5599113c0c11">Re: Law School???</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hey ladies, I'm a 1L who just got engaged.  I'm getting married in the summer after 2L.  I'm keeping this short because I have to go study, but based on what you've all said... am I dead?
    Posted by MattnAnnie12[/QUOTE]

    1L and 2L years are extremely difficult, 1L because you need the grades to get you into a great rank position in your school in order to get the summer job, in order to get on law review or Moot court or trial team, and in order to land a job after graduation.  2L year is your "work you to death year"  As long as you can keep yourself off of the knot ;-) and not get wrapped up in wedding planning you can do it, but it's hard. 

    DH and I got engaged last October, I didn't start planning until 2nd semester and even then it was very abbreviated planning - one stop shopping if you will because I didnt' have time to shop for vendors.  The wedding turned out amazing, but I had 2 papers due the week of the wedding - not fun.  And it's not like you can ask your professor for an extention because it's law school.

    Just to give you perspective on "law school is a 24/7 thing"  - I'm writing this post from my Sales class and it's 9:30 at night, I've been at school since 8:10am and this is my "bore you to death year" ...................   :-)
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  • Your FI also has to be prepared for what living with you will be like because it won't be easy.  I took a second state's bar exam this summer and DH just kept muttering, "it's only four months."  You are essentially going to be MIA for all but the absolute most important things going on in his life and it will take some serious work to keep your relationship going.
    AKA GoodLuckBear14
  • Thanks!  I think that having such a long engagement will help.  We won't be booking a venue/church until January, during break, and then the dress and guest list will probably happen in the summer.  On top of that, I'm lucky enough to have a ton of help.  
    Thanks for the advice, I feel like I have a great place to ask questions now!

    Good luck to you, Amber, in making your decision.  I couldn't be happier about choosing law school. (I worked first too.)  Good luck!

  • Thanks girls. I am going to try to talk to an advisor at the law school here to see what my options are. Hope things work out for the best and I am able to get in and start this next chapter. My FI is all for it and I know he will be supportive about everything :)
  • I am a 3L as well. There are several ladies at my school who got married during 1L year, and there grades reflected it. OP, I think that you can DEFINITELY do it. You may need a wedding planner and lots of family help. However, I wouldn't recommend doing it. Each year brings a new stress. It never gets "easier", as many will often tell you. I am a 3L and was planning to get married Summer 2011. However, reality hit me and I decided the bar is more important. 

    I would hold off on the starting the family thing. Why would you add that to the equation?! Do you want to go nuts? LOL. There are 4 women who came back to 3L year pregnant. One had her baby in October and as soon as she was released from the hospital she was back in class. I think she had her baby on a Friday and was in class on Tuesday. 2 are pregnant and will have their babies right before the bar exam. (I can't even fathom the amount of stress they will be under.) Another one just got married in August and got pregnant on her honeymoon. These women are never smiling and always look extremely miserable. 

    Sidebar: One of my colleagues brought her 5 year old daughter to class and it pissed all of the other students off. READ: If you don't have a strong familial support then who will watch your kids?

    Lastly, I am extremely against working full-time during your 1L year. I just don't think any human being should do that to herself. If you have to work, then you may consider a part-time program. I definitely would not do it. 

    Good luck. It is always a good thing to educate yourself. I find that many people are running to law school because they feel as though being a doctor is too hard. I am not saying that you are. Law school is a huge investment academically and financially. I am sure you can get through it. I would just make sure that you are ready for the stress that it entails. Law school stress on top of wedding stress on top of "I'm pregnant" stress on top of "full-time work" stress sounds like you will need a psychiatrist. 
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Law School???</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hey ladies, I'm a 1L who just got engaged.  I'm getting married in the summer after 2L.  I'm keeping this short because I have to go study, but based on what you've all said... am I dead?
    Posted by MattnAnnie12[/QUOTE]

    <div>A girl in my class did this. She turned out okay. She was in the top of her class already and could stand falling down two spots on the ranking. Her wedding went well. I would just delegate tasks to family members/friends who are willing to help out. Good luck. </div>
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  • Hi girls!  I just saw this post, and it's very helpful and informative.  I'm not in law school yet (just finished applying), and I'll be married before law school 1L begins next year.  Do you have any advice on how to manage married life and law school?  I hear the first year of marriage is difficult, and 1L is, too.  My FI will be a grad student at Harvard, so he'll be super busy as well.  Any suggestions?
  • I'm a 1L right now (obviously avoiding outlining for finals, lol) and planning on a wedding during the winter break of my 2L. My mom is helping me plan a majority of it, and I'm hoping to do a ton of DIY projects next summer. So far I haven't found it to be too stressful to add onto my workload, but I suppose until I get my finals grades back for this semester, I won't be able to say for sure! ;) It is helpful to see that others are doing it or have done it, even if it isn't all completely positive. I definitely can echo that the law school stress has an effect on a relationship, because my FI and I have gone through our share of minor squabbles since I've started. I'm just thankful to get it out now though, because it is a preview of what married life will be like with a stressful job like a lawyer's!
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