So recently my FMIL made it very clear that she doesnt want me to come up to their house for any of the holidays. We were planning on formally announcing our engagement to them but after hearing the news we decided to just call them on the phone. We are an interracial couple, and although I want to think that its not about race, I can't seem to get these thoughts out of my mind. When we called them we didn't even get a congradulations. She told my fiance that maybe he was rushing into this, and that he should really reconsider. Later that night he recieved harrassing txt messages from his own father saying that he is being disowened by his family, and this is the worst mistake he has ever made in his whole entire life. They also said that they wouldn't help support him finishing college How do I get past this? Do I get past this? Is this about race?
Just something on my mind. Back to stuying I go.