California-Inland Empire

Good morning!

Re: Good morning!

  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    Good morning :0)My weekend was great! :0) Jared was actually home :0) It was sooo nice to have him homeWe went to dinner on Friday night Saturday we went with him to Irvine for him to train and then lounged around the house Sunday we went to the gym and gocery shopping then him and lil Jared took the dogs to Forest Falls while I went shopping Oh and I made a new friend :0) she's one of my neighbors she lives at the opposite end of the culde-sac her son and my lil one are friends
  • edited December 2011
    Sounds like a great weekend Syl! We went out for dinner for our "date night" on FridaySaturday we went to Crystal Cove BeachSunday we did yard work and swam a bunch. We also got a new TV so Sam hooked it all up Sunday evening.
  • edited December 2011
    Sounds like you both had great weekends :) Friday night we just hung out here, had some drinks...nothing big. Saturday I had an appt to get my depo shot lol, and then we went shopping and I got a new blow dryer and some jeans go me! Then we went to our friends house to play beer pong-fun times! Sunday we were going to go out to dinner and a movie but as I'm getting ready I smell fry chicken cooking so we had to but that off until today...
  • edited December 2011
    My weekend was great. My mom and I ran around and did last minute errands in San Diego. I got my hair done again ::contented sigh:: And now I'm off work until August 6th and I couldn't be happier!!!! weeee!!
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