California-Inland Empire

So Over!

Planning this whole freaken wedding! When I started planning I missed the memo that said that a wedding ISNT at all about the bride and the groom. Apparently, it's about everyone else and NO ONE wants the same things as everyone else. Sorry but we can't make everyone happy....oh and if we don't accommodate people-then they won't show.Nice.If I had to do it all over again I would plan a simple DW with just Mark and I...and maybe a select few that actually WANT to be a part of this.

Re: So Over!

  • edited December 2011
    omg I totally get how you feel, we have been engaged only a month and we have changed our dates and locations a million times to coordinate with everyone elses plans and what not. What their social events are and their tastes its rediculous we are wanting a DW however we have to consider everyone elses pocket book. :(
  • sdkissezsdkissez member
    edited December 2011
    That is so ridiculous.  Since when did one person's wedding become someone else's.  I hate when people make other's affairs, their affairs.  Do what you want, don't worry about what other people think, and you two will have a blast.  I had people try to tell me what I should or shouldn't do and I would look them dead in the eye and say, "Well, it's not your wedding is it?"  Yeah, they weren't expecting that out of my mouth (I can't think of why they were surprised, it's me we're talking about). =)The ONLY thing that matters is you and Mark.  If they aren't going to come to the wedding because they don't like your choices, then do you really want them there to begin with?  Your wedding is going to be gorgeous because YOU planned it, it's what YOU want, and in the end it's all about YOU & Mark. =)
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks guys! I really needed that! I was so upset most of this weekend, just alternating between sad and mad. Mark was really great about it, and between that and Sd's pep talk I'm feeling 100% better right now. The feeling might come back, but it feels great knowing I have a place to come vent about it ;)
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