California-Inland Empire

To break up the tension

My daughter's life and death lesson came when she was 2.  She had some fish and a frog (named 2...they were all named 2 because that's how old she was and what she decided to name them).  I taught her how to feed them so she knew how to open the lid on the tank.  One day I walk into the livingroom to see the tank water super cloudy.  Turns out Suraya thought the freshwater fish and frog were hungry so she fed them salty peanuts...needless to say they did not survive. 

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Re: To break up the tension

  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    what the heck are u talking about? what tension? So Shannon MAYBE didnt feed the hamster, who cares! we all know things happen and life is hectic shoot I forget to do stuff all the time!2 years ago Roy was in 3rd grade I forgot to pick him up from school he sat infront of his elementary school for 2 1/2 hours till one of the teachers or yard duties found him sitting under the tree :0(and sadly it wasnt the last time he got forgotten at school :0(
  • edited December 2011
    When Alila was 2 I got a small fish tank for her room and put 5 African frogs in it, those tiny 1 inch frogs that swim.  One made it's way through a small gap in the hood and jumped to the ground...  I found it the next day when I was vacuuming and had to tell her that it died.
  • edited December 2011
    Oh my lordy lord Syl!!  That is soo funny!  I haven't forgotten about Suri yet.  Her daycare did once though.  Pissed me off.Smart frog to find the hole to escape!  Dumb for doing it!Not too long ago I picked up Suraya from school, I got intt the car and started driving off while she was holding onto the door trying to get in! 

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  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    In my defense Jared and I use to alternate days to pick up Roy and I was busy at work so it totally slipped my mind :0) after that insident I would tell the girls every morning if it was my turn to pick Roy up that they had to remind me and if they let me forget heads would roll! :0)
  • edited December 2011
    I always have to call and remind my mom to pick up Suri if she is the one picking her up.  She forgets.  She almost forgot to drop her off the other day at my work.

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  • edited December 2011
    When I was little, maybe around 2, I took my goldfish for a "walk." After that, I gave it a "bath" and "cleaned it" by picking off its scales. My mom found me on top of the counter, the goldfish floating at the top of its bowl, and scales all over my hands. That poor goldfish =/

  • edited December 2011
    OMG Bre!!  I am silently laughing here trying really hard NOT to burst out laughing because my boss is near by.  That is the funniest story ever!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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  • edited December 2011
    Yeah, I was a busy child. I often wonder where the hell my mom was the whole time I was doing all of that. I actually remember some of that story. I remember sitting on the counter picking off the scales because I thought it was dirt. I also remember my mom walking in the kitchen and then yelling, "What the hell are you doing!!!?" lol!

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