California-Inland Empire

How was everyones weekend?

Re: How was everyones weekend?

  • edited December 2011
    Saturday we went to the beach ans spent the day there. Sunday we went to Lake Gregory
  • edited December 2011
    ugh. what weekend? Saturday- class all day, then hung out in Panera writing a paper.  Sunday- a whole lotta nothing since DH is sick and can't do anything. kind of a bummer of a weekend.
  • edited December 2011
    friday ushered at the redlands bowl.saturday had family and friends over for a BBQ and s'mores for my little brothers graduation form nursing school.sunday bought a new tv (DH is happy) and ran errands all over the place. monday, looking at pictures on facebook from our friends that took a ton of photos at our wedding. :)
  • edited December 2011
    Sat - Yucaipa Regional ParkSun - BBQ w/neighbors

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  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    Friday: Went and hung out at Jared's work Saturday: church then home to clean then back to school shoppingSunday: worked then back to school shoppingToday I've already gone to the laundry matt and been at work for 3 hours! :0)
  • edited December 2011
    Friday- Went to the O.C. FairSaturday- Went shopping w/ mom and grandma, and went to a 1st b'day partySunday- Got a hair cut, did some shopping, helped mom set up family reunion party at our house, got make up done, took e-pics, and came back for more partying.
  • edited December 2011
    And I have to work today.  Sad face.
  • edited December 2011
    My weekend was good.  Friday - Took DD over to her Grandma's Saturday - Drove to San Diego to visit my Uncle and cousin that are visiting from WA, watched the fight (Run Forrest, Run!!! and Sorry K Flo, you didn't get BJ's belt!)Sunday - Attempted to ride our bike at Chino Hills State Park, started Course 2 of my cake decorating class  
  • edited December 2011
    Saturday- I had to work. I didn't do anything after I got off. Sunday- FI and I went snorkeling again. This time there were tons of leopard sharks. It was so cool. I dove down and touched one =) They are a lot harder than I thought they would be. lol.

  • edited December 2011
    Bre - Where in La Jolla do you see the leopard sharks?  We usually hang out at Kellogg Park but I've been wanting to go snorkeling somewhere out there.
  • edited December 2011
    Friday- went out to dinner with FI and some friendsSaturday- had some ME time, went shopping....cleaned up some....then hung out and relaxedSunday- shopping with a friend and worked on making an adorable diaper cake for the baby shower I'm going to next weekend.
  • edited December 2011
    Shan- We snorkel at the La Jolla Cove. It is where the caves are.

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