California-Inland Empire

Applying for job, advice needed

I am going to submit an application online for a job.  I have a dilemma about what to put for the availability date.  FI is coming to visit from the 21st through the 30th.  If I put available immediately, I will have to tell them I have plans during that week.  Should I just put available as of the 31st?  I feel like putting an availability date thats a few weeks away might make them take someone else over me if they have an immediate availability.  But I also think i'ts kind of pointless to put immediately and then be like, oh yeah I need next week off.  What would all you employed people do? :o)

Re: Applying for job, advice needed

  • edited December 2011
    I would put your availability as now, but if you get an interview and get offered a job, let them know you already have a vacation planned for the 21st through the 30th. I wouldn't let them know ahead of time, make them love you before you ask for time off. haha
  • edited December 2011
    I totally agree with Nik.
  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks guys.  I'm just worried that this will happen:  I'll put that I can start immediately.  They call me for an interview next week and ask if I can start on the 24th, and I have to say, I can't, I have plans that whole week.  Then they are like, then why did you put you could start immediately.  IF I get the job, when I start will really depend on when their next new employee orientation is.  I emailed a friend that works there to ask him, I'm waiting for a response.  BTW, I worry about every possible scenario possible, I can't help it :o\
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