California-Inland Empire

CSUSB wants me to be a loser

Last quarter I decided I would go to grad school for criminology.  When I tried to sign up for the basic course (pre-req for grad school) it would not allow me to.This quarter I have a spot open for another class and decided I should take the pre-reqs to get into the credential program for teaching.  Yay, great idea right?  Wrong!  They don't even offer night courses this quarter for one of the classes I will need.  I doubt the other 2 will be offered.  :(  They want me to fail and be dumb forever!  Oh and be poor!

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Re: CSUSB wants me to be a loser

  • edited December 2011
    None of my ideas are working!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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  • edited December 2011
    How can I feel sorry for you when you have a weight loss ticker bragging to me about how you have lost 5 lbs?! Hows that for salt in your wounds?! Seriously though, that stinks! Maybe you could look into taking the course at another or school or something? I hate saying that though because it always drove me crazy when I was in school and people would say stuff like that to me. Maybe I could just buy you a drink and hope that helps you feel better?
  • edited December 2011
    I ate a big ol' thing of carnitas fries last night...I gained the 5 plus 3 more back.  :(  LOL!Yea, the other school thing would be difficult.  There's only Redlands and Riverside and they cost mucho dinero and aren't part of the CSU system so the pre-reqs may differ from what I already have taken in order for me to get in.  A drink will do.  I might as well kill more brain cells since I'm destined to be dumb!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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  • edited December 2011
    Well that sucks. Maybe you can go talk to a professor from each area and they can tell you the steps you need to take in order to get to criminology or teaching. I know that you need to pass the CSET and CBEST exams before you can even enroll in the credential program.

  • edited December 2011
    that sucks kas. i dont know what to tell you... i think the drinking is a good idea though.
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