California-Inland Empire


So my son introduced me to his girlfriend and went on his first date on SundayThis is the first girl he's ever talked about he's had lots of girlfriends so I was kinda suprised he actually wanted to talk about this one another think that shocked me is he's always liked blonds and this girl is Mexican She was nice but its a weird chapter to start.....

Re: Ehhhh.......

  • edited December 2011
    Do you have a basement you can lock him in?! I am scared to have kids because they are going to grow up and I dont know how well I would do with stuff like that. So was she nice? Shes not that one nasty girl he was talking to on Myspace is she?  
  • hischiquita!hischiquita! member
    edited December 2011
    It is weird, but it's awesome that he's open enough with you to talk about her and introduce her to you.
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  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    I have mixed feelings. She was nice but he's still my babyI wish I had a basement now Im thinking he's gonna leave for college in 2years and get married in 15 years and have kids in 20 years!!
  • edited December 2011 weird!  What does it feel like?  I am so scared of that time.  Where did they go?  Is this your 16 year old? 

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  • edited December 2011
    that would be so weird. i was always really protective of my brothers, i can't even imagine with sons.imagine if you had grandkids in a couple of years syl! you would be the hottest grandma around! ;P
  • hischiquita!hischiquita! member
    edited December 2011
    It is a very scary time. I've raised my 2 lil sisters since they were 5 & 7, they are now 14 & 16 and the 16yr old has her 1st boyfriend. She came to me and asked if she could have one and I said yes but gave her a few ground rules. It's hard becaust you still think of them as your babies but as long as you've raised them right and they know right from wrong you should be ok.
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  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    I raised my lil sister basically and didnt allow her to have a boyfriend till she was 18 but I think I sheltered her too much cuz she made a horrible choice they've since broken up and I am very proud of her for leaving him!Its a weird feeling cuz I still see him as a baby but clearly he's not yes he is my 16 year old they went to Baskin Robbins on State Street Jared and I dropped them off while we went to Waltmart and Target then picked em up at the mall
  • edited December 2011
    How cute!!  How does Jared feel?

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  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    I dont think he cared eigther way He just doesnt want to pay for dates LOL he's a tight wad!
  • edited December 2011
    Would you let your son get a job?  I know some parents don't want their kids working.

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  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    A summer job yes but not during school he volunteer's at the childrens hospital so between that and school a job would be to much
  • edited December 2011
    My mom made us do all that volunteer stuff but I was never allowed to have a job.  We volunteered at the Y, summer camps, that free lunch thing they used to do at parks..everything you can think of I did it.  My mom claimed I was too bad to have a job.

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  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    YOU BAD! never! :0)~
  • emilypeachemilypeach member
    edited December 2011
    my brothers been talking to a girl he calls his "girlfriend" for a while.  he's only 14 but they never see each other so i don't know if it counts.  im extremely protective, i was a little weird at first, i see him as a baby still too, even though he's taller than me now (weird!) 

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  • edited December 2011
    I was never over protective of my sisters.  Thankfully I was around for them to see what it was like to be a young mom, etc....neither of them have kids yet.  I would like to thank myself for that one.  Me: "Oh so you are thinking about having a baby?  Here's Suraya to watch"  Awesome birth control!!  It worked!

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  • edited December 2011
    Me?  Never!  Your right Sylvia!  I would never run away and try to steal a car at the age of 15...never!

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  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    LMAO! I didnt run away but I got pulled over driving a stolen car at 15. I got in so much trouble the officer wanted to beat me I had gone thru the paper work in the glove compartment so when we got pulled over I said it was my uncle "so n so's" car I knew the guys name and address! I even told him how it had been stolen a week before and thats why the ignition was broken my uncle didnt have the $ to pay for it I had them going for a good hour till they figured out my lie the officer was pissed! Luckily I learned my lesson and that was my only run-in with the law :0)
  • edited December 2011
    HAHA!  Wow Syl!  I would have never guessed you'd be that bad!  My friend had stolen the car from her dad and he had called it in as stolen after we ran away.  She had let some guys drive it on a beer run and on the way back they got pulled over down the street from their house for driving.  Later we tried to re-steal it and got caught.  He didn't press charges so they took me home.

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  • edited December 2011
    aw... thats cute syl! but i bet its hard. My brother just brought home his "girlfriend"... she seems nice, but then never really last.
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