is after my a$$! LOL She asked me to give the owner a message to call her. My boss gave him the message the next morning. When I took the messages off the phone that morning she called and said "Tim hasn't called me back. This goes back to who dropped the ball....". Tim tried to call her and even left a message and she didn't call back until today. The girl who took the call text messaged Tim asking him to call her. Then the lady called back a little later and asked the girl that answered exactly what she does when she left a message. The girl said she text messgaed Tim and she will do it again if she would like but he may be with a client and that is why there may be a delay. Man...the lady is after me. I already explained the whole situation to Tim. I want to see what this lady says though. I found out through sneaky investigative work that thislady was in gforeclosure 2x already and after we had finished work on the home the house was going up for auction. They must have saved it somehow because they still own it. Anyway, this explains why they were so slow to respond int he beginning which is why I red flags flew up.