California-Inland Empire

Why do schools?

Give kids treats without consulting their parents first?  DD is still on her no dairy diet (until tomorrow when we meet with the specialists) and when DW picked her up from school, she had frosting on her mouth and her teacher said she had a cupcake.  Not a big problem normally but since there is probably milk in the cake and milk and butter in the frosting it's an issue.  The school was informed of her diet when she first started so the teacher should be aware.I've never understood why schools give kids that kind of stuff without letting the parents know there are going to be treats first.I remember as a kid that my teachers would send a note home saying that there was going to be a birthday in class the next day and that we would be having cake/cupcakes.  Now it seems that every week there is a birthday and parents don't have a choice in saying whether or not their kid gobbles down tons of sugar because they are never informed.  Last year when DD was in preschool we had to talk to her teacher a few times and let her know that a cupcake was ok along with a juicebox but that we weren't ok with the bag of candy being opened and eaten.  I think the same thing is going to happen this year.Kids can't and won't limit themselves with that kind of stuff.

Re: Why do schools?

  • edited December 2011
    You need to inform the teacher as well as the school but mainly the teacher since she is the one in charge of your child through out the day.  The school has hundreds of kids.  It may be hard for them to keep up with all this stuff so the teacher would be the more feasible person to speak with.

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  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    I would think you should of let the teacher now as well, I know your daughter is still little but she should also be told she cant have certain foods.... I wouldnt hold your daughter responsible but she also needs to be aware of what she is ok to eat
  • sdkissezsdkissez member
    edited December 2011
    Schools legally have to inform teacher's of special diets and/or allergies.  So, if that's the case, the teacher may just be ignoring/forgot about your request.  Technically, it's state law that teachers are not allowed to pass out candy during class to their students.  It violates the whole health initiative that was put into place a couple of years ago.  Campuses are not allowed to sell candy, give out candy, sell or give out soda....etc....
  • sdkissezsdkissez member
    edited December 2011
    AND, before anyone asks....No, I do not give out candy to my students.  Nor do I throw parties.  I tell the students on the last day of school that if they want to bring treats in for themselves, that it's fine.  But, I don't throw parties.
  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    what about halloween and bday's? My son will come home with candy but he knows he can have 2 pieces of candy at school and has to bring the rest home I doubt he follows my rule to a T but I can tell if he eats to much sugar. :0)
  • sdkissezsdkissez member
    edited December 2011
    Candy is supposed to be confiscated if students have it.  Of course, if it comes from home, it's different.  But, were technically not supposed to give it out as teachers.
  • edited December 2011
    What if a parent brings in cupcakes and candy bags?  That's the issue that we've had.DW spoke to DD's teacher about her diet on the first day of school to see if DD could bring her own breakfast to school rather than having the school breakfast (they have to serve cows milk at school).  I asked her to talk to her again tomorrow to remind her.As far as setting limitations on candy with DD...  We've told her that she can have up to 3 pieces of candy and a juice and has to bring the rest home.  She knows she isn't supposed to have cupcakes/cake right now so she is to blame for eating it.
  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    I dont think she should be in trouble she is a lil kid but she should be reminded she cant eat cupcakes/cake because it could be bad for her. My youngest son always eats all kinds of crap when he is with my mom and he sometimes comes home crying and throwing up I'll just put him in the shower and give him a glass of water and a trash can to take to bed. When he feels better I remind him im not gonna baby him when he is sick from eating junk food he has been told way to many times. He hasnt done it in a while but Im sure he will do it again....
  • edited December 2011
    One of the schools Suraya was in wouldn't allow any homemade food.  If anything was brought to school by the parents it had to be store bought and still sealed. 

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  • edited December 2011
    I have to agree with Sylvia and say that even though she has been told she is not supposed to eat that stuff she is still a kid and kids needs constant reminders of right and wrong. I dont know too many kids that make the right decision all the time. It took me until recently to really start making the right decisions and I would still totally eat a cupcake right now if I could ;) I think the teacher is the one that needs to be talked to here since she doesnt seem to want to acknowledge your daughters diet restrictions
  • edited December 2011
    I completely agree that DD shouldn't get in trouble and she won't, I'm going to talk to her and remind her.  She just wants to be like everyone else and have a cupcake, I can't blame her for that.  :o)
  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    poor baby that must suck :0(
  • edited December 2011
    I wouldnt blame her either. My friend has raised his 2 young kids vegan and he gets so upset when they come home from school and talk about how they ate a hot dog or cheese at school because some other little kid shared from their lunch bag. You cant be with them every minute of everyday so the best thing is just to remind them until hopefully one day the light bulb will go off above their heads
  • edited December 2011
    Well today is the last day of her no dairy diet unless the ENT says it worked than she will be off dairy until we can get allergy testing done and speak with a nutritionist.  The diet has been so great though, no acid reflux (which she has very bad) and her skin is less dry and itchy.Amber, maybe your friend can give his kids vegan friendly hotdogs and cheese...  I'm really looking into going vegan again and there is so much stuff out there that vegans can eat now. 
  • edited December 2011
    He does give all that stuff to them but they just dont understand the difference between their hot dogs and their classmates hot dogs.
  • edited December 2011
    The elementary schools where I live wont even allow parents to bring cupcakes/goodies to class for their child's b-day. I thought that was a state wide thing but I guess not. Maybe some districts are just more strict than others.

  • edited December 2011
    I don't send cupcakes and treats to school for DD's birthday either Bre.  We invite the kids to DD's birthday party to have cake and ice cream.  I prefer to let DD celebrate her birthday at school by sending her with a birthday crown that she gets to color herself.
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