So, the baby shower was a hit. It was fun and relaxing and I loved being able to spend time with my friends. I was bummed that out of the 32 people who came, that only two shopped from my baby registry. Everyone else bought clothes. Not that I don't appreciate it, but he seriously has about 4 closets worth of clothes. I have no room to store them, so they are still sitting in their bags. Clothes are so cute and easy to get. However, it's the thought that counts and that's all that matters. His sister got us a breast pump and we returned it and were able to get other things. One of my friends has the hospital grade pump and she only used it once and she gave it to me. I just had to buy new suction cups. So, that worked out perfectly for us =)I can't believe he is almost here already. It feels like just yesterday I told ya'll that I was pregnant. Man, time flies by fast.