Okay ladies! The date is going to be October 17th it is a Saturday and it will be at 1:00pm at my house. Which to refresh your memories I live in Rancho Cucamonga. I talked with SD and she has a very plain Jane taste
sooooo here is a list of things she likes and you can pick from it and let me know what you want to be in charge of: Turkey SandwichesMustard, Mayo, Chedder or American cheese on white or wheat bread. So my suggestion is just to switch up those combos a little. Meatballs:Amber makes good ones so im voulneteerning you for these if thats ok
Cheese and Cracker plate:No swiss cheese please!!! :)Veggie TrayChips and DipDessert:I believe MC wanted to be in charge of this
I will do the drinks and decorations. Since we dont have much food to worry about if anyone would like to do small prizes for a few games let me know. Dont forget she is registered at Babies R us! I believe everyone knows SD real name to be able to find her registry if not let me know