I have the absolute best family in the world. Andrew, not so much. We had a BBQ Saturday and he was telling one of his brothers about the waverunner (it's actually a Polaris or PWC but I don't think anyone would know what I was talking about). He was telling him that he's excited to have toys so people can start coming out with us (we're the first to have any type of toy). Andrew brought up that he had talked to another of his brothers and asked why he got the reaction he did (ignored pretty much) and his brother told him that everyone is wondering how he is buying all this stuff when everyone else is broke. This blew me away! Some of his siblings make way more than we do so not sure why they would even say that. They can have these things if they wanted. On top of that it's not our fault they are broke. We are happy that we can start doing more exciting things with family. My family is all about it...too bad Andrew's is not. This all started with the wedding. We paid for all of it ourselves and it got people talking. UGH!