California-Inland Empire

I Love...............

VICODIN!!!!  OMG!!  Why didn't the doctor prescribe this stuff to me sooner?? LOL!!  I know, I know......I have to use it sparingly, no problem.  I took one as soon as I got in the car after my appt. today.  What a freaking difference it has made for me today so far. I can walk without feeling like someone shoved a knife up my cr--ch and twisted it. =)  I was in tears this morning at the doctor's office, couldn't sit and walked like a snail. Bad new.......I have not dialated WHATSOEVER!!!!  He is going to make me wait it out and drive me freakin'nuts!  Good thing I can take a vicodin every twelve hours. =)

Re: I Love...............

  • A07102005MA07102005M member
    edited December 2011
    So glad to hear the dr. finally gave you something to ease the pain; bummer about not dilating yet! Not much longer though, you're down to single digits! :)
  • SandraRay2008SandraRay2008 member
    edited December 2011
    Remember SHARING IS CARING JK!!! Im glad you have something for the pain!!! That will help you get through these last few days (hopefully that all you have to go).
  • edited December 2011
    yay for some dang relief!!  Boo for not being dialated! 

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  • edited December 2011
    That baby must be really comfortable because he is just holding out for as long as he can. I'm glad you finally have something to help you feel a little better. It will be over before you know it and then you will be a mommy with a beautiful baby :)
  • edited December 2011
    I'm glad your cr--ch feels better! lol! No really though, I'm glad you are feeling better. Hopefully, you can get him out soon so the pain will subside.

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