I know that you all know that Baby Pierce finally arrived on Wednesday (his actual due date) weighing in at 7.4 lbs and 20 inches long. He's my beautiful baby and, as all you mommies are aware, my life has been very different the past few days. I thought I would share with you exactly what happened, as it was posted in bits and pieces on FB and it may have raised more questions than answers.My water broke at approximately 4 AM Wednesday morning and we arrived at the hospital around 5 AM. My contractions were coming on pretty strong, but nothing I couldn't handle. I remember telling my MIL that I didn't know how much more I could take before I could get an epidural. I was only dilated to 2 cm, so they gave me Pitocin so that I would dilate quicker to get an epidural. I dilated to 4 cm, got an epidural, and it was peaches and cream from then on. However, once I hit about 8 cm, I noticed that my baby's heartbeat would drop significantly around the times that I was having contractions, even though I couldn't feel them. The midwife came in and called the doctor in. The doctor checked me and was looking at the papers and told the nurse that he was going to talk to Carmen (my midwife). I knew something was up then. The doctor came back in and said that I had at least another 4 hours of labor and that every time I would contract his heartbeat would slow down. He said that my contractions were so strong that it was stressful on him and he was afraid that when it came time to push that my baby wouldn't make it. I have to tell you that, for truly the first time, I felt like a real mother. I started bawling because even though I didn't want a C-section, the prospect of my baby dying was too much for me to bear. I buried my head in my pillow because I just died on the inside for a moment. I knew what had to be done and all I knew was that I would risk my life for his. Within a matter of minutes I was in the OR and being prepped for surgery. They had to put me to sleep because I couldn't breathe due to my asthma, so I didn't get to experience my baby "being born". Because they put me to sleep, my husband wasn't allowed in the room with me and he had to wait outside. He said it was the hardest thing in the world and started crying, but as soon as he heard Pierce cry, he knew everything was good.I started to wake up about 2 hours later and apparently ( I don't remember any of this) kept asking, "Where's my baby? over and over again. The healing process has been a little hard on me, but as long as Pierce is alive and healthy I don't care how long it takes for me to heal. =)I will post pics very soon. However, we did have some pictures taken at the hospital. If you give me your email addy, I will forward you the link to view those pictures.Love ya all and I will try to come on as much as I can.