1. What is your name- Lucinda 2. A five letter word- Laugh 3. A boy's name- Luke 4. A girl's name- Lindsay 5. An occupation- Lawyer 6. A color- Lavender 7. Something you wear- Leggings 8. A food- Lemon 9. Something found in the bathroom- Lightswitch 10. A place- London 11. A reason for being late- Late night out 12. Something you shout- LMAO 13. A movie title- Little Mermaid 14. Something you drink- Lemonade 15. A Celebrity- Lindsay Lohan 16. An animal- Lion 17. A street name- Lemon St ( I know a cop out!) 18. A type of car- Lamborgini 19. The title of a song- Lucy in the sky with diamonds! 20. A school subject- Language Arts 21. A TV show- Little House on the Praire 22. a Holiday- Labor Day 23. a nickname- Lover 24. fictional character- Lumiere ( Beauty and the Beast) 25. a mood- Lazy 26. Which was the hardest?- fictional character 27. add something random - Tuesday!