California-Inland Empire

1... 2 or 3???

Ok, so I was just planning on Registering with Target for our Wedding Registry, but I have been doing some reading on other boards and some knotties have registerred in up to 3 places?!How many times did you ladies register, and what stores you reccomend??How soon can we register...? MANY questions! little time!

Re: 1... 2 or 3???

  • sdkissezsdkissez member
    edited December 2011
    We registered at BBB and Macy's.  You want to be able to offer your guests a ton of choices so they don't feel limited as to what to get to you. This includes having items that range in prices.  We got married in November and registered in June. Many of your gifts may come at your bridal shower. =)
  • edited December 2011
    We did a honeymoon registry and Crate and Barrel as well. It is good to give your guests variety
  • edited December 2011
    yeah thats true, now, I can see the pros of registering at more than 1 location... So exciting!!  Thank you ladies! :o) I can't wait!
  • edited December 2011
    We are planning on registering at Target and BBB. That way people who only want to spend a little can and those who are money bags can have lots of choices.
  • edited December 2011
    I say do 2 or 3. I have a wedding planning book and they said to register for 3. We'll probably just register at 2 though. 3 is too much work.

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