California-Inland Empire

Gone are the days...

that there was life on this board. 

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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Re: Gone are the days...

  • edited December 2011
    lets make it happen again!

    So hows it going? Hows the fam? How are the furbabies doing?
  • edited December 2011
    I hope this new layout does not create the demise of this board. Yell (I am not even sure what this face means??)

    Here is something random.. DH knows that I love fruit roll ups (the bad betty crocker kind, not the healthy kind) so when he went to costco, he picked me up a box of fifty. I have been eating them like crazy.. when I wake up and before bed. It's an addiction really.
    I am afraid to look in the box to see how many I have really eaten. But i think I may be halfway done.

  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011

    Ok sooo Amber how are your "Dirty 30" plans going?

  • hischiquita!hischiquita! member
    edited December 2011
    OOooh I love fruit roll ups!

    I know what you mean, it's been so slow!!! Let's liven it up girls!!!

    So my bday is on Monday and I'm so excited, even though Im going to be a quarter century old!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Jojo- I love those things too. they are just so yummy

    Syl- GOOD! I can't tell you how excited I am. I love Vegas and I love birthdays so I think my brain might explode from excitment Laughing
  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    LOL you are too cute Amber! :0)
    Make sure you let me know how many people and and which night you wanna go to Tao so I can get the info to the promoter at least a day in advance :0)
  • edited December 2011

    Ok! I cant get them to give me a straight answer on what night they want to go. I will let you know by next week though.

  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011

    okie dokie smokie Laughing

  • est2005est2005 member
    edited December 2011
    Your right. Frown I used to be down right addicted to the IE board. Now, not so much. Although my love is still the how is everyone? Well I know I just come on here and either boo-hoo postCry or AW postLaughing but I had to let you guys know I had a job interview today! My first one since I was let go over 10 months ago! I was so effin nervous I had a panic attack right before I went down on the verge of tears. I haven't had to interview in 4+ years! But it was ok, I think I did well and hopefully this one works out. So I can finally stop crying about moolahMoney mouth.
    But even if it doesn't work at least I am "back out there" and my friends mom may need an assistant which at least I can fall back on that. She is just waiting for her budget to see if she can hire one and if she can, the job is pretty much mine,
    Whew! Novel, I wanted to see how many emoticons I could drop in.
  • edited December 2011
    That's awesome about the job!  I am really hoping you get it!  How is everything else?

    Amb, what weekend are you going to Vegas?  How many days are you staying?  What are the plans?  How many people are going? 

    Things are going good with us.  I figured out what I want to be when I grow up.  I have already started working toward that goal.  The hubby is great still.  Don't have any complaints there at all.  We started working on the house finally.  There's pics in my life blog (link below).  Suri is doing very well.  I went to her parent/teacher conference and the teacher said she's doing great.  She has all As with the exception of 1 B.  Not too shabby!  School is a bore as usual but somehow I seem to make it throuh week after week.  Got a B on a mdterm that I didn't study for!  Love that!  Had/have a sore throat but it's going away but I think a lymph node behind my ear is swollen.  It's this hard lump.  If it doesn;t go away soon I'm going to the dr.  Oh, I had staph on top of that.  So things have been good overall with a few yucks thrown in.

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    my read shelf:
    Kasi's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)
  • edited December 2011
    Kas- I am leaving the day after Thanksgiving and coming back Sunday so only 2 nights. There are 7 people going for sure and 2 more are a maybe. One of best friends and her BF are flying down from Seattle so I think that is what I am most excited about. Plans are pretty much to just have the best time ever!
  • edited December 2011
    Yay!!  I haven't started planning mine yet.  I have 3 months and people are already asking about it.  Guess I better start thinking abou tit.  Where are you going to stay?  I like TI. 

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    my read shelf:
    Kasi's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)
  • edited December 2011
    I like TI too! We are staying at The Mirage this time.
  • edited December 2011
    Oooh!!  very very nice!  have fun!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    my read shelf:
    Kasi's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)
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