California-Inland Empire


Hello Ladies,

I'm looking for a decent bakery that will deliver to Redlands.  I went to Phood on Maine and it was a little pricey.  I'll be trying Michelle's in Redlands soon, but I hear they're pricey too....Any help would be appreciated.  And, I'm still looking for a bilingual officiant to marry us.  I didn't think officiants were expensive, but I've been quoted $350 for a 15-20 minute cermony.  Crazy!

Re: Bakeries/Officiants

  • mrs.payne2010mrs.payne2010 member
    edited December 2011
    you can always try statebrothers or albertsons, i know it sounds wierd but i was at albertsons today and they have beautiful cakes for like 250.00 and under. check um out.  as far as an officient, i ended up just letting my mom do it because eveything out there was so much. 350.00 is actually on the cheaper end, i was quoted 650.00 by one gut, crazy.
  • desi2002desi2002 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I'm using Michelle's. I'm just getting a regular 3 teir cake for $320. I'm DIYing my decorations.
    BabyFruit Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic me and my daddy
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks Ladies for the advice...
  • edited December 2011
    I am using Vince Margolis for my wedding officiant, if i remember correctly he speaks spanish as well. His e-mail is He charges $300 for ceremony.

    Make sure to tell him Candace West sent you!

    Let me know if you need more information.
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