California-Inland Empire


So tell me about the CBEST.  My sister said it's easy.  Is this true?  Is studying required or is it stuff that people just basic math, comprehension, etc?

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Re: *Bre*

  • edited December 2011
    CBEST is really easy. It pretty much tests to see if you know what a number is and if you can formulate a sentence. lol.

  • hischiquita!hischiquita! member
    edited December 2011
    The CBEST is super easy!!! NO studying necessary, I don't know why people hype it up so much.
    The CSET is a little harder but manageable, with that one though, the key is not to take all sub-tests on the same day. You will be exhausted by the time it's over.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Awesome!  Thanks.  I have to schedule to take it.  Egh...I hate tests but I'm usualy really good at those kinds so I'm not worried especially since you said it's easy.  I'm worried about the CSET though/  :(

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  • edited December 2011
    I'm worried about the CSET too! I've heard that it is really hard and that many people have to take it more than once. However, depending on what area you want to teach the CSET will be different. For example, if you want to teach elementary school kids you take the multiple subject CSET. If you want to teach middle school or high school you have to take the single subject CSET pertaining to the subject you want to teach. I will be taking the single subject Biology/Life Science CSET.

  • edited December 2011
    I'll probably take the multi subject one.  I plan to teach disabled kids but haven't really looked into what the CSET requirementsa re yet. Probably multi.

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  • edited December 2011
    Have you applied for the credential program?  I have to have a BA already before I can apply for mine.  Next quarter I'm taking on eof the pre-reqs for the program.

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  • edited December 2011
    I have to have my BA too...and pass the CBEST and CSET. What is this pre req that you speak of? I hope I don't have to take anything =/ I should talk to one of the people from the college of ed again to make sure I'm doing the right things.

  • edited December 2011
    I have to take 2 courses in the special ed field.  It's nothing you would have to take but def double check to make sure there's no other type of class you need.

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  • hischiquita!hischiquita! member
    edited December 2011
    I just enrolled in the credential & master's program at Azausa pacific and will be starting next semester.

    I took and pass the CSET & CBEST on my first try. The CBEST is a cinch and the CSET isn't too difficult. I didn't study for any just took them all on different dates. I had to take the multiple subject subtest, which i believe are Math& Sciene, History & English, and Music, Child Development & PE. They were all okay, not super easy but not difficult, you will be so tired by the time you're done with the first one that you won't be able to concentrate on the next. That's why I took my at different dates.
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