California-Inland Empire

Christmas Poll

Favorite christmas song...

Santa is...

Favorite christmas tradition...

Favorite christmas memory...

Best gift...

Worst gift...

The meaning of christmas is...

The day you put your christmas tree up...

Favorite christmas movie...

Typical christmas dinner...

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Re: Christmas Poll

  • edited December 2011
    Favorite christmas song...None!!!!

    Santa is...Andrew and I

    Favorite christmas tradition...opening a present at midnight as a kid

    Favorite christmas memory...going to the hospital to see my new sister.  I had a Teddy Ruxpin that with me. 

    Best gift...Teddy Ruxpin as a kid and my engagement ring as an adult

    Worst gift...horrid red half sweater thing that my MIL gave me. 

    The meaning of christmas is...presents!!!  I kid.  Family

    The day you put your christmas tree up...whenever I feel like it

    Favorite christmas movie...None!

    Typical christmas dinner...same as Thanksgiving but this year it will probably the good ol' Puerto RIcan cuisine that I miss.  Going to my grandmas and hoping they have all the yummy PR food

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    my read shelf:
    Kasi's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)
  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    Favorite christmas song... IDK I have so many!! I love all Christmas songs!!!

    Santa is... fake but fun

    Favorite christmas tradition... opeining Christmas gifts with Jared and our boys Christmas morning

    Favorite christmas memory... being at my grandparents house with all my aunts, uncles and cousins as a lil girl
    (I miss those days)
    Best gift... MY ENGAGEMENT RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Worst gift... SOCKS! Yell

    The meaning of christmas is... The celebration of Jesus and time with your family

    The day you put your christmas tree up... when ever we have time

    Favorite christmas movie... A Christmas Story

    Typical christmas dinner... Turkey all the usual side dishes and tamales
  • edited December 2011
    Favorite christmas song...There are so many.....I like the Rockin Around the Chrsitmas Tree by Peggy Lee I think (the version from Home Alone) and I also like Marshmellow Winter by Dean Martin

    Santa is...the bestest thing ever

    Favorite christmas tradition...leaving milk and cookies out for Santa (yes, I still do this as an adult) and making cookies for the neighbors

    Favorite christmas memory...I seriously have so many favorites.....helping my grandma decorate her house. She went crazy every year with that kind of stuff which is who I think I get it from. I love all the memories I have of my dad being there on Christmas morning. He was always so fun to open gifts with.

    Best gift...the pink huffy bike with the banana seat I got one year. I thought it was the coolest thing ever

    Worst! There are so many. How can I pick just one?! I think it would have to be the 12 days of Christmas needlepoint wall banners (ther were 12 total). That gift actually made me kind of mad because it was just plain awful.

    The meaning of christmas is...Being with loved ones and enjoying everything I have in life

    The day you put your christmas tree up...the day after Thanksgiving or that weekend

    Favorite christmas movie...

    Typical christmas dinner... turkey, roasted veggies, potato, blah blah blah basically alot like Thanksgiving
  • edited December 2011
    I forgot about the movie question.......Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, Its a Wonderful Life, Rudolph and Frosty
  • edited December 2011
    Favorite christmas song...All of them

    Santa is...jolly? I dunno how to respond

    Favorite christmas tradition...hanging out with family and friends and playing card games

    Favorite christmas memory...every year going to my grandparents house on christmas eve, going to midnight mass and watching the christmas lights on the way there

    Best gift...nothing comes to mind

    Worst gift...a cheap popcorn maker, after gettting it year after year

    The meaning of christmas is...Jesus.... and hanging with family

    The day you put your christmas tree up...yesterday fresh from the lot.... yum!

    Favorite christmas movie...White Christmas and Miricle on 34th street (newer one)

    Typical christmas dinner... roast beef or ham. funeral mashed potatoes... veggies and snacks
  • edited December 2011
    Favorite christmas song... "Mamacita? Donde esta Santa Claus" LOL! A little boy sings it and is sooo cute!

    Santa is... awesome when you still believe

    Favorite christmas tradition... Tamales and our Annual Adults Only Christmas Party!  We are a huge family so its usually about 
    60 people!

    Favorite christmas memory... Going to my grandmas when she was still alive.  She had 40 grandkids when she died and she still made us all fee like we were her favorite

    Best gift... Wool and Cashmere coat... still have it and I LOVE it!

    Worst gift... My mom bought me workout pants... in a size XL... i wear a medium... hmm someone trying to tell me something?

    The meaning of christmas is...Jesus and  family

    The day you put your christmas tree up... usually after thanksgiving... this year we didnt do it =/ yikes! oh well =)

    Favorite christmas movie... A Christmas Story  "You'll shoot your eye out!!!" LOL!

    Typical christmas dinner... Ham, mashed potatoes, veggies, tamales and pozole yumm  cant wait!

    Merry Christmas!
  • edited December 2011
    Favorite christmas song... Frosty the Snowman

    Santa is...REAL!

    Favorite christmas tradition...Shopping day with Dad, baking with Mom. Making a gingerbread house on Christmas eve, opening one present on Christmas eve.....putting up the tree/lights! I love Christmas!

    Favorite christmas memory...I have SO many! Mine and Mark's first tree, staying up all night with my brothers as kids....

    Best an adult my D&G sunglasses, as a kid my dollhouse

    Worst gift...I really can't think of a bad gift that I have gotten

    The meaning of christmas is...FAMILY

    The day you put your christmas tree up...Black Friday

    Favorite christmas movie...The original Grinch and the claymation Rudolph

    Typical christmas dinner... with the fam bam!
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