So, ya'all know what I think of my ex. OK, I have to get this off my chest before i explode.
The kid was in the ER, most of you know, and I had to inform JA - (he will always be referred to JA - JackA**) Normally, we have no communication by phone, I sent him a text. (And he's blocked so I can't receive any of his BS backlashing) Well, JA arrives at ER in time for Doc to give details & release. He was standing there while Doc said "Here are 2 scripts he needs filled. He bolted and was gone. Funny, he is 100% responsible for all medical costs - copays, ins coverage, meds - everything.
So, I ended up calling him (left voicemail) about 2 mins after he left - told him where the script was & he needed to pay for it and I'd pick it up later the next day. Now, I have been burned already a few times paying for meds and he has yet to pay me back, and never will. Lesson learned.
Yesterday, @ 8pm I go to get meds - not paid for. I called him. Said, he needs these meds. Well, JA says verbatam "You need to pay for his meds - go do it right f'n now along"with a few other choice sentences and hangs up.
OK, I'm not his wife, he lost the right to tell me what to do when he left me and signed DV papers. Furthermore, he isn't going to order me around, period.
I called him back - and of course he's too much of a pus*y to answer his phone. So I left him this. "I suggest you drag your happy a** back to town & pay for his meds that YOU are responsible to pay. You think you can bully me and tell me what to do - you are so wrong. I'm not your wife - thank God. I will be calling my attorney about medical neglect/abuse since you are refusing your son treatment which you are responsible for. BTW, have you ever once considered your not hurting me - only our son. Oh, and if he even suggests having a headache or any other issue when he returns to school, I will take him back to the ER immediately - even for a hangnail. No threat, a Promise. Have a great day!"
I'm sorry to vent but OMG, he is such a JA!!! This is a very tiny sliver of what I deal with on a constant basis. I wish he's give up his parental rights - it would make my & kids life so much easier. His own son didn't even want him @ the ER. He said "Mom, just let him find out with the bill, I don't want him around"
He has no responsiblity whatsoever and refuses to help his own kid out in any way. Grrrrr.
Side note - now if he were unable to pay for meds, I would. However, he just bought himself a house, new harley, new furniture for the new house and who knows what else - he pulls in over 100K a year - he can afford it. He just doesn't want to drive to pay because he chose to move out in the sticks about 35 miles away. Too damn bad.
well, well, well - come to find out JA doesn't have his own kid covered with insurance script coverage - violation of court orders. No wonder he wanted me to get the scripts. That's ok - I let JA know stepDAD paid the meds and looking forward to court. KARMA!