40-Plus Brides


So, I went to the school board meeting last night because when we got married we moved a couple towns away. My youngest daughter attends the middle school there and is doing better (she has ADHD) and is getting tested within the special school district. So put a residency waiver request in for her and attended the meeting for that reason.

But, while at the meeting the board had on their agenda a discussion about drup testing students in extra ciricular activities. Then, I start hearing about the drug and alcohol problems. I meanwe're not just talking pot, we are talking heroin - serious stuff.

I was just shocked.

But even more shocking was the two board members that acted like it was not big deal. I mean I wanted to punch both of them in the face they were so ignorant. (Oh course I didn't.) These two are so out of touch with reality and don't talk with parents and students. I really wonder why they are even on the school board.

Anyway - that's my vent for the day - but the day is young!
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