40-Plus Brides

XP-AW Wedding Pics

Hi Ladies~

We're married!!  It was a wonderful day and everything came out just as I'd hoped.  Everyone loved the location and the food at the reception.   I thought I would share the sneak peek pics from our photographer.


Re: XP-AW Wedding Pics

  • Ich - was it a destination?  Pics look great; tell me more about the day :)
  • Technically, it was a DW.  We got married in New Braunfels, TX which is about 160 miles from where we live.  It was very casual.  It rained all morning and stopped just before we went to the park.  It was just overcast enough to make the pictures good.  Everything went very well - I couldn't have asked for more.

    When I get the rest of the pics, I will AW those for sure.  I can't wait to see what the photographer did with the ceremony and group pics.  These were just the ones she took with us after everyone else left.  That was so neat.

    On a strange note, I mentioned this on my month board, but SIL called at 7:45 a.m. the day of to say she couldn't make it.  We really thought she would stay with her sister who lived only about 45 mins away from the park.  It seems they never thought of that (even though they'd done it for another wedding) and she was going to try to do the drive in one day - with a bad back.  That wasn't even the strangest thing. 

    The day after we were in Austin, Texas at a museum when some other friends called to announce they were at the park and wanted to know how to find the gazebo.  They said they only check their mail once a month and had just gotten the invitation the day before Thanksgiving.  We didn't really pursue them for an RSVP because we had received an email from them stating they were really having a tough time right now (money, health, etc.)  As it turns out even if DH had tried to call them, he didn't have a current number.  The real kicker - they thought the wedding was on the 29th (it was the 26th) and they showed up on the 27th.  Very odd.

    Sorry for the long post - but it was an awesome day with some weirdness thrown in to keep it interesting.
  • Well despite the weird moments I am glad you had a great day!  Congrats and very nice pics.

    Love is the ultimate superpower.   
    It can make you weak and strong simultaneously.  

  • The pictures are very nice.  Glad a nice day was had by all!
  • Congratulations!  Your photos are beautiful; you look very happy!
  • oh my! you looked gorgeous! congrats on being married, best of luck! 
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