Florida-North Florida


How did your FI's surgery go?

Re: *clseale*

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    clseale13clseale13 member
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    edited December 2011
    It went really good. Thanks for asking. He had a large tumor in his hand. They weren't sure what it was or if there would be any nerve damage but the Dr was able to remove it all w/out any problems. They have to send it to the lab but the Dr is pretty confident that it's a giant cell tumor and I guess 99% of the time those are benign. We'll know for sure next week. He's all dopey and loopy from the percocets and is passed out on the couch. :)
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    janedoe1113ajanedoe1113a member
    5 Love Its Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Aww...at least you get some peace and quiet.My best friend in high school had a tumor in her wrist and she had it surgically removed and was also told they're normally benign.  Glad he's doing okay!
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    brittjoy84brittjoy84 member
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    edited December 2011
    Glad to hear he is doing well, let us know the results!
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    OSheasOSheas member
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    edited December 2011
    glad everything went smoothly...
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    clseale13clseale13 member
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    edited December 2011
    Thanks ladies! We're just glad it's finally out of his hand. It was starting to bulge out of his plam and was quite painful for him. They also did a little carpal tunnel stuff when they were in there as well. I'll let you all know for sure when we get the results back from the lab.
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    toblave13toblave13 member
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    edited December 2011
    Glad to hear he's doing well. Keep us updated!
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