Florida-North Florida

nice white rental chairs

I looked on the NFB site already. Any new experiences with rental companys? I have seen some chairs set up at  venues in St Aug that I did not think where very nice. They looked dirty and worn out. Are there any new rental companys in the area with nice, clean white chairs? We are looking for the garden chairs with pads. Thanks for any help.

Re: nice white rental chairs

  • edited December 2011
    Kirby Rentals have some.
  • erininjaxerininjax member
    edited December 2011
    Check with a company in Jacksonville called PRI Productions.
  • edited December 2011
    PRI productions is a rip off just to let you know. they over price everything and they get it from other vendors and up the price and make money off of it. I talked to them for my wedding and they were going to charge me 15 dollars per chivari chair and they were getting them from someone else when i could rent them from kirby for 10 bucks a piece. they do that on everything so its not you best bet to go with PRI.
  • edited December 2011
    We rented ours from Andy's Taylor Rental. They came, set up, took them away, no hassle.
  • erininjaxerininjax member
    edited December 2011
    I would suggest you call everyone and get price quotes.
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