so I have had a pretty good run with my MOH but we have also had bad ones i.e. her not attending a shower even though she was offered a free ticket and place to stay, and being late or missing events i ask her to be at like make-up trials or little things i ask help for. and she has had a horrible couple of months since i asked her to be my MOH, she lost her job, and recently her car broke down, but recently i lashed out. 8 weeks to go for the wedding and i have what i think was my bridezilla moment. i set up a day on wednesday to go out and look at thank you notes (of all things) and come sun( the thank you note day) i txt to ask when to drive over to her b/c her car broke down, ect ect. she tells me she isn't home. no biggie i say txt me when you get there...... hours go by until i get a txt saying her friend is sick, and she is leaving to go learn to drive stick to drive her other friends truck and wanted to know if monday would work. then my bridzilla kicked in. i ask why would you stay out when you knew we had plans, i need these done today and i have been waiting for you to respond for hours... the convo gets heated when she starts to txt back about how she needed to go out to forget about her problems and she stayed so no one with drink and drive*note this isn't the first time drinking as delayed her* and it was out of her control that she missed our date that we planned 4 days in advance. and she had no regrets for staying out. it throws me over the edge as i tell her the outcome of these little things make me wonder about the big ones. i.e her finanical situtation. and when she is going to buy the dress and book the hotel room for us. the list goes basically she pissed me off but also made me feel guilty for asking her to be my MOH when she can't afford it. and when she has so much negative things going on with her life.I have already offer her the out, asking if she is ok and is 100% with me for the wedding and she told me yes. but then this argument happens. she now feels like i have no faith in her and doesn't want to be the MOH if thats true, but i wouldn't have asked her if i didn't know she could do!!!!! im so torn