
Great Bridal Expo

Hi ladies! :) Just curious if anyone has attended The Great Bridal Expo- I'm going tomorrow with one of my BM's and was wondering about the timeline. They say doors open at noon, but thats all the info on their website- what time can we expect to get out of there if we stay for prize drawings and that type of thing?It's my first expo, any suggestions? :) Thanks!(x-posted to July 2010 board)

Re: Great Bridal Expo

  • edited December 2011
    I enjoyed going in January.  My suggestion would be to get there early, and hit the first fashion shows, etc. that way you can beat the crowd.
  • edited December 2011
    dang, I missed it.  How was it?
  • Phoenix10Phoenix10 member
    edited December 2011
    It was pretty fun! Had a good time going with one of my BM's (who had just gotten engaged two days before, yay!!). Almost all the vendors had some kind of giveaway drawing (but I didn't win anything, boo, lol). We thought the fashion show was kind of lame- they modeled some seriously ugly dresses, and the music was cranked up to a deafening level, but you had to stick around until the end for the prizes to be awarded. Definitely worth going to try to win some prizes, and you get a few free bridal magazines. I guess there's another big one in January, plan on going to that one too. :)
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