So I've emailed dozens of venue's and I can't seem to find one. We are open to doing it on a Sunday but would prefer a Saturday if it's within our budget. We are hoping for 15k for everything but I really want something spectacular. I don't want a buffet meal as we often have buffet's at my work. I would however do a stationed meal: ie: stirfry station (FI is asian) pasta station (I'm italian), carving station and mashed potato bar. Or I want to do a plated meal. We plan on having around 130 people... does anyone have any venue suggestions? One of my favorites is Aldea, but I'm not totally sold. (I'm not in love with the location and outside, but I am totally in love with the inside- thoughts on that?)
What to do, what to do...! I just want to find our venue so we can pick a date and get the planning process going!
Any thoughts from anyone- has anyone done the action-stationed meals and was it cheaper than a plated meal option? Also anyone in that budget range- what venue's are you looking at?