
Workout suggestions

I work 2 jobs and after adding in the usual cleaning/cooking around the house, have ZERO motivation to go work out. I need suggestions - exercise ideas, class suggestions, anything - that will get me into my wedding dress.

Re: Workout suggestions

  • edited December 2011
    Have you tried just even walking/running around your neighborhood? I loathe working out but I have started walking/running with my husband alternating the two and I have seen quick a lot of it is diet. High in protein and avoid stuff like bread and stuff....
  • NillaWafer10NillaWafer10 member
    1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    I definitely second walking! Hiking is also really great in Arizona.  Some fun things that don't feel like exercise are disc golfing, ice skating, roller skating, dance lessons (take ballroom classes to train for your first dance!), pilates, yoga and zumba.  I would say try them all until you find something you like.
  • edited December 2011
    How about Wii Dance!? :)
  • NillaWafer10NillaWafer10 member
    1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Haha my mom loves her wii!
  • edited December 2011
    anything to get in your wedding dress?

    Take a picture of it and put it on your phone as wallpaper and everytime you look at it (which, if you're like me, you look at your phone more than anything else), you'll remember that you need to be more physical and make clean food choices.  Those two things will get you in your wedding dress..  how well you get in it depends on how motivating the dress is :)

    For me, since I got my dress (about 1.5months ago), it has been an everyday motivation.  I logged all my food for a week and determined where I was with fat/carb/protein/cal and then modified it for better results (a deficit in cals) and just eat the same family of foods that I previously determined would be filling/tasty/healthy.  So far, i have lost several inches in the ab area and thighs and I'm hoping to try on my dress in a few weeks to see how much better the dress looks :)  hopefully good enough to continue these practices until Dec (my date).

    I wish you lots of luck.. and discipline ;-)
  • edited December 2011
    An update:

    Thank you for all of your great suggestions. My fiancee and I are starting to walk every evening (taking our St Bernard along for the trip). Also upped the veggies and fruits and have starting taking leftovers for lunch instead of wasting calories - and money! - on to go food.

    So far, no weight or size change, but I am feeling more energetic and Dave has started losing weight.

    If you have any other ideas, I'd love to hear them!
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