
Catholic church ideas near Wheaton if I'm NOT a parisioner?

I have called around to St. Daniels, St. Michaels, St. Pets (Glen Ellen) and Loretto Center - no one will marry us because we don't live in Wheaton and are not members of their parish!  I live in Lake Zurich and belong to a Catholic church there.  However, 90% of our guests are flying in from the East Coast and my brothers house and others who have offered their houses are in Wheaton (walking distance from Arrowhead where we are having the reception).  Never knew this would be an issue.  Anyone else come across this and if so, any ideas?  Always have LZ as the back-up but I'm so stressed about it since it's Friday wedding and it just puts a huge wrench in everything with many folks not have cars, etc.

Re: Catholic church ideas near Wheaton if I'm NOT a parisioner?

  • roxiems75roxiems75 member
    edited December 2011
    does your brother belong to a Catholic church in the area?  If so he may be able to talk to the church to see if something can be worked out for you.  You may also want to see if the priest from your church can marry you in a church located around wheaton.  these are some options to look into.  i know this is hard I went through this too.  I went back to the church my grandparents went to a long time ago and talked to the priest directly and explained my situation and he agreed to marry us. 
  • kellygreen327kellygreen327 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thanks - great brides think alike!  My brother is a parishioner at St. Daniels (for 15+ years) and they said no - even though I've been godmother to 2 of his kids and was recently my niece's sponsor for her confirmation.  My priest has offered to travel to Wheaton, he just needs a church (or "consecrated ground" in order for it to be official) and I can't get anyone to work with us.  Lake Zurich isn't out of the question but it puts a big wrinkle in the planning that I never thought would be an issue.  Thanks for the post and ideas.  We're going to keep trying!!
  • edited December 2011
    Try St. Pius or Sacred Heart in Lombard. 
  • kellygreen327kellygreen327 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    St. Michaels said yes tonight! Our priest from LZ has to do all the paperwork, officiating, etc. but we finally have our church - wahoo! Thanks everyone!
  • TEA&CoTEA&Co member
    edited December 2011
    Glad you heard from St. Michael's!  When is your wedding?
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  • kellygreen327kellygreen327 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Friday, July 13th!  Yes, Friday the 13th Smile  We wanted a Friday in the summer to accomodate traveling family members and kids vacations so rather than wait until 2013 (our original plan), we said, why not?!?!?  Besides, it's the luck of the Irish - next year we'll be together 13 years so we think it's a sign!!
  • edited December 2011
    Congratulations, that's wonderful!!
  • TEA&CoTEA&Co member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:72Discussion:11b4dfab-ab20-4a3d-b181-68206fbef713Post:f125b6e6-8f43-40a6-b63e-b2407f6f982b">Re: Catholic church ideas near Wheaton if I'm NOT a parisioner?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Friday, July 13th!  Yes, Friday the 13th   We wanted a Friday in the summer to accomodate traveling family members and kids vacations so rather than wait until 2013 (our original plan), we said, why not?!?!?  Besides, it's the luck of the Irish - next year we'll be together 13 years so we think it's a sign!!
    Posted by kellygreen327[/QUOTE]

    How exciting!  Congratulations!  Our wedding is also at Arrowhead this December...we just had our tasting yesterday!  I couldn't be happier with them so far.  I will be sure to come back and post vendor reviews!  If you have any questions, feel free to PM me!
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  • Marrin713Marrin713 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    July 13th - my b-day!

    I heard Arrowhead does a good job with weddings.  I have not attended one there but I love the grounds.
  • kellygreen327kellygreen327 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I would LOVE to hear more about your experience with Arrowhead and any vendor reviews you have.  We knew from the get-go we wanted our reception there so we are so excited that everything fell into place for next summer - they've been awesome so far and I know we are just beginning!  I know you'll be busy over the next several weeks so anytime you feel inspired - feel free to shoot me a message! 
  • TEA&CoTEA&Co member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:72Discussion:11b4dfab-ab20-4a3d-b181-68206fbef713Post:29b00ddd-0870-4f44-a7b4-193c9ee6aa62">Re: Catholic church ideas near Wheaton if I'm NOT a parisioner?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would LOVE to hear more about your experience with Arrowhead and any vendor reviews you have.  We knew from the get-go we wanted our reception there so we are so excited that everything fell into place for next summer - they've been awesome so far and I know we are just beginning!  I know you'll be busy over the next several weeks so anytime you feel inspired - feel free to shoot me a message! 
    Posted by kellygreen327[/QUOTE]

    Hi!  I am happy to share whatever you'd like!  I also knew from the beginning that Arrowhead was where I wanted my reception!  For some reason I have never been able to actually SEND a if you'd like you can shoot me an email at teaandco1211 at (using the @ symbol, obviously) and I am happy to respond back!
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