
Vendor Posts!

UGH, what is up with all these vendor posts lately!! Why does it seem they come in waves?

Re: Vendor Posts!

  • edited December 2011
    I don't know but it's really annoying! 
  • edited December 2011
    I just ignore them.. ( although its annoying I agree).

    But maybe The Knot should post a warning when people create an account about using this board for advertising? ( if there is one I didnt notice it )

    I've had a few friends ask me how they can set up an account to post about their services, and I had to tell them its not allowed, not sure if thats made obvious enough?
  • MrsPapsMrsPaps member
    edited December 2011
    then there's vendors who create fake profiles to just pimp their own companies, acting like brides but suggesting themselves on posts asking for rec's.
  • edited December 2011
    I agree, but i do think there is a box to check mark that every user understands the TOS... however I also see how many would overlook it.
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