
Now I need dress shop ideas in Chicago :)

I posted a few days ago looking for dress shops around Joliet, but, now we're actually going to be doing some site seeing (since my mom and moh have never been to the city!) and do some looking around at dresses while we're there. Most of the touring we'll be doing is around Navy Pier / Michigan Ave. Does anyone have any suggestions of shops in the area? Thanks!

P.s. Price range isn't too significant right now, but preferably on the more affordable side just so I don't fall in love with a dress that costs $40,000 lol

Re: Now I need dress shop ideas in Chicago :)

  • edited December 2011
    define affordable :)

    The Macy's Bridal Shop on State Street has their sample sale going on right now and their dresses are super cheap, I saw some gorgeous ones the other day starting at $399 (may be gone by now tho?).  Most of the shops down here are starting at $1200 +.
  • edited December 2011
    I like Weddings 826 on Armitage in Lincoln Park.
    Wedding Date: January 16th, 2010


    Cycle #5: BFP on June 14, 2011 -- Due Date: February 23, 2012 -- Born: February 26, 2012
  • tonya07tonya07 member
    edited December 2011
    I suggest White Chicago.  They have once wed, sample dresses, and never wed dresses in perfect condition.  The sales associates are very helpful and sweet.  You can get a preview of some of their gowns on their website  It's definitely the place to find a lot more "dress" for your money.
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