
Shoes! Help!!

Can anyone recommend a good store/website for bridal shoes that are stylish but not too high heel (max 3"), not too strappy (got a couple of bunions that would stick out and hurt so wide would be a plus).  I think a cute peep-toe would be just the thing.  It's been extremely frustrating trying to find the right look.  I've returned four pairs back to Zappos!  I'm wearing a knee-length dress so the shoe will be on view! 

A tall order but I'm hoping you guys can help me out!!

Re: Shoes! Help!!

  • kag0215kag0215 member
    edited December 2011,, that's where I've been looking. I have wide feet too and they seem to have a good selection.
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  • edited December 2011
    I bought mine at Woodfield at Lord and Taylor.  3" peep-toe.
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  • HMandKWHMandKW member
    edited December 2011
    Unfortunately I ended up using the web to find mine.  I have small feet, so I didn't find anything in the stores.  Bought a few from Zappos and a few from Endless and found a pair.  Macy's has a bridal salon and they might have shoes.  There's also the Left Bank on Webster.  They have a bunch in stock. 
  • edited December 2011
    I tried David's Bridal and House of Brides today and wasn't impressed with their selection at all. I am in the same boat - want a small heel and wide width would be more comfy for me.
    I'll keep you updated if I find anything...the great shoe hunt begins!
  • edited December 2011
    Try Carson's and Macy's. My Grandma found her shoes @ Macy's. She had foot surgery and it didn't heal well so she was in the same boat. Payless has gorgeous styles every now and then as well.
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  • edited December 2011
    I got mine from David's - peep-toe, 2" heel, wide width, dyeable.  I wore them all day long and my feet didn't hurt at all.  I had brought flip flops to the reception just in case, but I didn't even need them.  My shoes were super-comfortable!  Pic below.  Good luck!

  • edited December 2011
    Left bank - its at Racine and Webster- they have a ton of bridal shoes, you can order any pair they have in white, ivory or gold.  They're great and have lots of bridal things - veils, jewelry, purses, etc.
  • edited December 2011
    Those shoes posted above from David's Bridal are comfortable. I did try them on awhile back ago. They don't have many sizes left online but if you find yours, you might want to order!

  • ee773ee773 member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for all your responses!  I am going to check out these suggestions and I'll let you know what I end up with!!
  • edited December 2011
    Not sure about your budget, but I found super comfortable bridal shoes at the Cole Haan outlet this weekend. I'm a wimp when it comes to heels and these were perfect. 2.5" heel, not too strappy, and they even have Nike Air insoles! They're not the prettiest pair around so I'm going to have them dyed and will buy shoe clips to dress them up.
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