Hey ladies!
My fiance and I just booked our honeymoon to Jamaica! Super exciting

However, we are getting married July 27th and we're not going on our honeymoon until October 16th. Kinda sucks, but it'll be nice to leave Ohio when it's starting to get chilly!
Anyways, I do not have a passport currently. I'm trying to figure out what to do. I'm assuming my passport at time of travel will have to have my new name on it. I am planning on changing my name immediately after the wedding and I've heard it's a process. Should I go ahead and buy my passport now and then get the name changed on it? I read that there is no fee for this, but can take 4-6 weeks. I don't know if I want to deal with the stress of trying to get a brand new passport in addition to everything else that will need to be changed.
Please let me know what your suggestions are!! Thanks