I just spoke to Jeff, via text, and he is very sorry that you guys are feeling this way. A couple of things that he did say were:
1. If he asked you for the music for your video, and you didn't get it to him right away, your video was bumped so that he could work on a video that he had music for.
2. He also said that he has hired some people and is looking into hiring someone to answer emails and voicemails. (What did we do before we had these things huh??)
3. He understands you frustration and he is very overwhelmed with how well his business is doing so quickly. I really don't think that he thought it would blow up so fast.
4. He is trying to get the trailors out so that people can see that he hasn't forgotten about you.
He sounds like he is working as fast as he can on everything. He is supposed to shoot my wedding on November 6th and I actually paid him half of his asking price upfront. Oh boy. But I am going to try to be as patient as I can because it seems like he is trying to do so much with his time.
If you have not booked with him, I am not going to say not to, because Jeff is great and you will be pleased with the final outcome. But I will say that we have to give him some sympathy because he is just one person and we did this to him!! LOL!!
And the whole time, my future husband was in the room......