
Chair Covers

Hey everybody, I'm in the process of trying to rent chair covers and sashes.Has anyone used a company that they really liked? It seems like there are a lot of hidden fees with set up, delivery, etc.  I will definatley need the company to set up the chairs. Also what is a good price for a cover and sash? THanks for the guidance :)

Re: Chair Covers

  • I've heard really good things about The Chair Couture. I know a lot of Knotties have used them. 
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  • Satin Chair Covers by Natalia- they have GREAT prices- look for them on facebook!
  • I used The Chair Coture for my table linen and napkins. They were great.
    All of the fees are outlined in a contract, so there are no "hidden" fees.
    I can't help you with the going rate for char covers and sashes you need to do the research.
    Good Luck!
  • Not sure about the service of Chair Covers and companies...but when I have researched I have seen Satin Chair Covers by Natalia get good reviews. When we were looking at venues we were quoted from $2 - $7 per chair cover and sash. 
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