Hi knotties;
I'm a reporter at the Chicago Sun-Times and a former knottie who is trying to track down couples getting married on Sunday for a story. Unfortunately I couldn't find my knot.com password from 2006 (when I got married) so you could see I used to be legit - I had the web page, vendor reviews and pictures.
Anyway, we are doing a fun story on the 10-10-10 thing so if you are getting married that day, particularly if you picked that day because of the date, we would love to talk to you.
Please email my editor Shamus Toomey is you are interested. He's at stoomey@suntimes.com. You can also shoot me an email if you have questions - kspak@suntimes.com
PS - I've written a few stories featuring Chicago-area knotties over the years and would be happy to share them with you. Thanks!