
cook county marriage certificate question

After the wedding our officiant gave us a copy of the certificate Cook County gave us with everything filled in for our records. He said he would mail in the original. What I am confused about was that he also had our best man and matron of honor sign a different certificate of marriage. I remember doing this at my sister's wedding. What I am confused about is that he gave this signed certificate to me and my husband and didn't tell us what we needed to do with it. Are we supposed to mail this in or bring it with when we go to get our copy after the wedding?

Re: cook county marriage certificate question

  • edited December 2011
    I would call your priest to ensure he mailed in the copy to the county.
    Finally...we are Mr. & Mrs.!!! WooHoo!!!

    Planning Bio
    Married Bio (Work In Progress)
  • edited December 2011
    Ours mailed us a photocopy. He had to mail the original in to Cook County. After a certain amount of weeks you have to write a hand written letter to receive CERTIFIED copies of your marriage license. All the information should be on the copy he gave you such as the address, cost per copy etc..
    Yes, make sure he mailed it to the County!
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