
Dog People: A Rec for You

Hi all!  I post here every once in a while, but am mostly on the DW board.  I am in the midst of doing my vendor reviews/recs.  I only have one for Chicago, and it's not really all that WR.

Since we had a DW, we had to board our dog for the first time ever.  Normally my sister or friends watch him, but they were all at the wedding with us. 

Anyway, he is a pretty anxious dog and does not like to be left alone for too long.  We booked him at STAY (on Rockwell north of Irving Park).  They were simply wonderful, and I would recommend them to anyone looking for a dog hotel.  They gave us updates and answered all our questions.  The only downside would be cost (it is pretty expensive, but you get what you pay for I guess!). 

Anyway, I thought I would post this here just in case.  If you have questions, PM or page me on the DW board.

Re: Dog People: A Rec for You

  • lawhitedlawhited member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks so much, I've heard great things about STAY.  We'll be looking to board our dog (who is very shy and anxious) for the wedding (just one night) so we'll definitely head there to check them out!  :)
  • edited December 2011
    Hope your dog has fun there!  We're taking ours back next Saturday too because we have our "at home reception".

    The best part is our dog has been soooo tired since we brought him home, which is great because he's normally a very high energy dog.  He clearly had lots of play time!
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