Hi all! I post here every once in a while, but am mostly on the DW board. I am in the midst of doing my vendor reviews/recs. I only have one for Chicago, and it's not really all that WR.
Since we had a DW, we had to board our dog for the first time ever. Normally my sister or friends watch him, but they were all at the wedding with us.
Anyway, he is a pretty anxious dog and does not like to be left alone for too long. We booked him at STAY (on Rockwell north of Irving Park). They were simply wonderful, and I would recommend them to anyone looking for a dog hotel. They gave us updates and answered all our questions. The only downside would be cost (it is pretty expensive, but you get what you pay for I guess!).
Anyway, I thought I would post this here just in case. If you have questions, PM or page me on the DW board.