

How was your trip to the QC?  I'm curious, how'd you decide to go there?

Re: **barbb**

  • barbbhowwbarbbhoww member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    hi!  It was good!  DH grew up in the wayyyy west suburbs (not sure I'd even call it a suburb) and the closest big cities were the QC.  So he was showin' me around and laughing at how their "big" mall is teeeeeeny tiny.  I'm used to the Westfield Fox Valley, Woodfield and Oak Brook...not this..  :)

    Other then that, we hung out, went to the casino and just had fun.  They have an amazing bar out there called the Daquari Factory and I was pretty much in love. 

    Thanks for asking!

    So I went back to see how you knew that and I read your post... :)  DH is from Rock Falls so about 45 min from there.  It was about a 3 hour drive.
    It's time. Adoption saving and process started in November 2012.
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  • GinaK119GinaK119 member
    Sixth Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Not to jump in on your post but I'm from the QC. :) I go back a lot since all my family lives there. I would never move back there but I love going back and visiting.
  • hz80408hz80408 member
    5000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Barbb- yep! I'm from there and have heard of Rock Falls/Sterling.  I ran cross-country and track there in highschool!  Daquiri Factory is DELICIOUS but deadly! lol.  Did you go to Northpark or Southpark?  My fav. thing about either mall is Vonmaur; especially b/c they typically have nice stuff on sale since people around there don't seem to be willing to spend money on higher "end" clothing.

    Gina- lol! Which city are you from?  I'm from Moline.  Don't you miss Whitey's, Harris and Happy Joes?!
  • GinaK119GinaK119 member
    Sixth Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited December 2011
    OMG Happy Joes taco pizza!!!!! I want some now! I also miss Rudys, Checkers, Hungry Hobo and When I get back home I try and get to everyone of those places, I come back weighing 10 more pounds. I've pretty muched lived in all the towns..I was in Davenport till about 5th grade then Moline from 5th-middle of 8th, then moved to Orion ( I don't know if you heard of that, its about 15 min from Moline) and graduated from there, then moved to Bettendorf until I moved to Chicago almost 4 years ago. Do you go back and visit often?
  • hz80408hz80408 member
    5000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Yep, I know Orion!  We played them in volleyball.

    We go back fairly often, H is from there too.  I'd say once every two months or so? I still get my hair done back home since my stylist there opened her own place; it's SO much cheaper! :O)
  • GinaK119GinaK119 member
    Sixth Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Thats one thing I miss about Iowa everything is sooo much cheaper!
  • barbbhowwbarbbhoww member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    DF was a great time until a sorority came in...haha.  I tried them all on their sampler and then got a mixed large.  It was sooo good.
    It's time. Adoption saving and process started in November 2012.
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