
Bachlorette Party

I am starting to plan mt besties bachlorette party and I am overwhelmed with options. She is a more low-key girl. I am not opposed to going downtown, but nothing too far. She has mentioned going to a drag show but I don't want to do the typical Baton and Howl at the Moon... been there done that, had fun. Just want something different.

HELP!!!!!!!!!! Any suggestions are appreciated!  Thanks Ladies

Re: Bachlorette Party

  • We went to Second City for my bachelorette party. It was really fun and we were able to get tickets for a large group by ordering ahead of time. And there weren't any other bachelorette parties there, so it definitely something different than a typical bachelorette outing.

    Then we hung out at a nearby Old Town bar, before heading to the Gold Coast to go dancing. It was a great night.
  • My sisters have started planning my party and are renting a house in New Buffalo, MI.  There is a pool and hot tub on the property and it walks right out to the beach on Lake Michigan.  There is a party bus they rented to take everyone to the bars in the area so we can make a weekend out of it instead of just one night.  I am a low key person so this was more appealing to me than going out to the bars to compete with everyone else celebrating in the regular bachelorette areas. My wedding isn't until Oct. so my party is in Sept.  Not sure if you will have the time for this, but worth a chance.
  • I went to a bachelorette party at Second City and it was a blast.  I agree with WinterWed, it was really nice to be off the main bachelorette party path.  
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