
Did you book your church or reception venue first?

My church requests contact at least 6 months before, obviously halls book up a year out, sometimes more. Which did you do first?

Re: Did you book your church or reception venue first?

  • edited December 2011
    I kind of did them both at the same time.  I got a list of what days in January my church was available and then started looking at reception venues.  When I found the one that I liked the best, I got a list of days they were available in January and picked the one I liked best!  
    Jan 2011 January SC- Wedding Rings
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  • edited December 2011
    We did the Church first - I had heard our Church in the city was pretty popular (and they do about 4 weddings every Saturday), but I also made sure our top reception places were still open for our dates.
  • edited December 2011
    So it's kind of simultaneous madness for a bit. Makes sense. :)

    Thanks, ladies!
  • aimers1525aimers1525 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    We sort of did ours simultaneously too, but ended up booking the church first
  • edited December 2011
    Ditto all PPs.  We were looking at both, but ended up booking the church first (although technically since we switched churches, I guess we booked the place first!).  We are having both our ceremony and reception in the city and I knew that our church options were going to be a lot more limited than our reception venues (looking for a Catholic church that would let you get married without being a parishioner).  I figured we would always be able to find a reception venue, even if it wasn't our top choice, but if we didn't have the church, we wouldn't have a wedding. 
  • edited December 2011
    We did ours around about the same time.  We knew we needed to make sure we had a for sure wedding date with the Church before for sure booking the reception.

    Sooooo we looked at reception venues, while we were waiting on our church to get back to us...soon as we had a date confirmed we booked the reception.

  • edited December 2011
    We signed up with our church first but had about 3 venues to choose from if one of them were not available.  Our church was important to book due to the fact that the church was a very important part of our wedding because its our family church.  Then we went off and got the venue.
  • edited December 2011
    I did it together, actually!  it is being held at the same place... but when I was searching, I was searching for venue first.  ceremony locale was not as important to us.
  • sperky1sperky1 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I booked the reception hall first.  I booked a year and a half out and the date I wanted ON A FRIDAY NIGHT was already booked so we took the weekend before.  I booked my church about one year before.  Hope that helps!
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