Hi All!
My FI and I live in Ohio but LOVE ChIcago. We have decided to have a civil wedding at the Cultural Center on March 17 (if we are able to get it) or April 28. This will be a short ceremony in the morning and then we plan on having a lunch reception for our friends and family (~60 people) We don't want to spend a lot of money, so far I'm looking at these restaurants:
-La Madia
-Frasca Pizzeria
-Orso's Italian
I still need recos for a Florist-just for FI and I, a small cake (~60 people), a make-up hair person that can meet EARLY in morning
I know it's going to be crazy for St. Pats, but his family is all Irish so we're excited they get to partake in the festivities AND we are definitely not planning on going Irish route for the lunch LOL
Any help is