
Too Excited!! [And a beach question!]

Okay... I am too excited/wired. I just got back from the store with new suitcases for our wedding planning trip. It's not even our wedding and I feel like I drank 5 cups of coffee my heart is pounding. Lol. Half excitement/half stress. I'm sure part of it is stress from school. Thesis presentation less than 2 weeks after I get home! Blah. Anyway...
We are meeting on the east side of Oahu with our potential caterer and a potential bartender and we have a good 3-4 hrs between the meetings. Are there any nice public beaches with parking that you guys would recommend in the Waimanalo or Kailua area?

Re: Too Excited!! [And a beach question!]

  • sld0618sld0618 member
    edited December 2011
    I don't have any rec's...but I am so with you for the suitcases!  My parents gave FI and I matching full sets for xmas and I seriously felt like a little kid opening the latest and greatest toy!!!  It's so great!
  • edited December 2011
    The best beach on that side is Lanikai in Kailua.  It's famous for being one of the world's most beautiful beaches. Its on the Kailua side.

    We also like Kailua Beach.

    When I was in college, I would often take my laptop to a secluded section of Waimanalo Beach...not at the park.  Secret spot where you will LOVE because there is almost NO ONE there.  Google Keneke's (the caterer). When you find them in Waimanalo, turn down that street between Keneke's and the 7-11.  Head straight towards the water.  There's no wrong area back there.  It's a residential area and you can park along the grass (like street parking)...there's LOTS of it.  Just park nearby where you see a beach access walkway sign so you can walk straight into the beach.  Trust me on this.  You won't regret it. It's one of my favorites because it feels exclusive.

    Just be aware of our water creatures.  Occasionally in Hawaii, we get box jellyfish and portuguese man-of-war.  They both sting like crazy and because there are no people in the water here, its relatively easy to get stung if they are there.  Jellyfish influx is 10 days after the full moon. Man of war are blue and stringy with a little bubble at the top.  If you get stung, meat tenderizer or urine works to take the edge of. Yup, I said it. You have to pee on it. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • TripleAubsTripleAubs member
    edited December 2011
    I looove Lanikai. Definitely go there, you won't regret it!

    have fun :)



  • edited December 2011
    Lol!! I always see that peeing thing on TV! I can't beleive its actually true. Thanks for the suggestions. (And the warnings)
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